Read more about the article The Chronicles of Carbon | Graphene
Graphene (illustrated)/Pixabay

The Chronicles of Carbon | Graphene

Like plastics in the twentieth century, graphene is a material that has marked the 21st century. Scientists have theorized about graphene for decades. Now, researchers from around the world are teaming up to discover and learn every bit of information regarded to this supermaterial.

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Read more about the article The Ethane-Eating Bacteria
Bacteria (illustrated)/Pixabay

The Ethane-Eating Bacteria

Ethane is the second most abundant component of natural gas, right after methane, and it is found deep underground and in marine gas deposits around the world. Research studies have shown that these two components—along with propane and butane—are being oxidized into carbon dioxide. Bacteria that convert methane, propane, and butane are already known, but it was unclear how ethane is degraded in the absence of oxygen, until now.

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Read more about the article Titrimetric Analysis
Photo Credit: Sinhyu/iStock/GettyImages

Titrimetric Analysis

Analytical methods based on volume measuring are named titrimetric or volumetric methods. In titrimetric analyses, we add a reagent of exactly known concentration to a solution of analyzed compound until they completely react – a process called titration. They are highly accurate and precise, rapid and nowadays automated.

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Interview with Prof. Dr. Miloje Rakočević

The United Nations (UN) has proclaimed 2019 as the international year of the Periodic system of chemical elements. This year, namely, has been turned 150 years from the publishing of Mendeleev’s Periodic system of elements. The interview was performed with Prof. Miloje Rakočević, the scientist, the most familiar in Serbia with the work of Mendeleev, and who gets into the essence of performed systematization. Prof. Miloje Rakočević was working as a professor at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, and now he is retired. However, there is no obstacle for him to publish results in renowned journals, such as Biosystems and Polyhedron. As a Deputy Editor of Chemia Naissensis, I felt free to put several questions on his desk connected to his work and Mendeleev’s Periodic systems of elements.

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Pesticide Detection with Carbon-Nanotube Electrochemical Sensors

Pesticides are compounds that are used to kill pests, including insects, rodents, fungi and unwanted plants (e.g. weeds). When pesticides are used to protect crops, their residues will potentially affect and threaten human and environmental health. For that reason, they must be monitored and used safely, or even avoided, if possible.

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Analytical Chemistry – Between Classical and Modern

Analytical chemistry gives you the ability to ask and answer the questions such as "What is something made of?" or "How much of each constituent is present in the sample?" The main purpose of analytical chemistry is to identify or quantify analytes in the sample. For example, give the analytical chemist a cup of coffee and he/she will tell you if there is caffeine in it, how much sugar you've added or what elements is your cup made of.

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Interview with Professor Mentus

On the 18th February 2019, Dr. Slavko Mentus, a full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and full professor at Faculty of Physical Chemistry in Belgrade, gave a lecture on batteries—background science and the importance of this type of power source—at the University of Niš, organized by SASA, Branch in Niš. Knowing about his previous work on weather control and batteries, I wondered how he managed to connect these two fields. After the lecture, Prof. Mentus kindly agreed to share his expert opinions on these subjects.

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Sample Preparation of PAHs | Sorbent-Based Methods

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread contaminants generated primarily during the incomplete combustion of organic materials (e.g. coal, oil, petrol, and wood). These organic compounds are mostly made of hydrogen and carbon in the form of two or more fused aromatic rings. PAHs have been proven to be harmful to human health and should be avoided.

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