Dr Dragoljub D. Dimitrijević

Vanredni profesor
Departman za fiziku

  • Stojanovic, M., Bilić, N., Dimitrijevic, D. D., Djordjevic, G. S., & Milosevic, M. (2023). Tachyon constant-roll inflation in Randall-Sundrum II cosmology. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 38(32). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217751X23430030
  • Addazi, A., Alvarez-Muniz, J., Alves Batista, R., Amelino-Camelia, G., Antonelli, V., Arzano, M., Asorey, M., Atteia, J. L., Bahamonde, S., Bajardi, F., Ballesteros, A., Baret, B., Barreiros, D. M., Basilakos, S., Benisty, D., Birnholtz, O., Blanco-Pillado, J. J., Blas, D., Bolmont, J., … Zornoza, J. D. (2022). Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 125, 103948. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppnp.2022.103948
  • N.O. Vesić, D.D. Dimitrijević and D.J. Simjanović,Generalized Riemannian Spaces with Respect to 4-Velocity Vectors and Functions of State Parameters, FILOMAT, (M20) vol.Vol. 34 (2020)
  • N. Bilić, D.D. Dimitrijević, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milošević and M. Stojanović,Tachyon inflation in the holographic braneworld, JCAP, (M20) vol.08, 034 (2019)
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic, N. Bilić, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic and M. Stojanovic,Tachyon scalar field in a braneworld cosmology, International Journal of Modern Physics A, (M20) vol.Vol. 33, No. 34 (2018) 1845017.
  • N. Bilić, D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and M. Milosevic,Tachyon inflation in an AdS braneworld with backreaction, International Journal of Modern Physics A, (M20) vol.Vol. 32, No. 05 (2017) 1750039.
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and M. Milosevic,Classicalization аnd Quantization оf Tachyon-Like Matter оn (Non)Archimedean Spaces, Romanian Reports in Physics, (M20) vol.vol. 68, No. 1 (2016) 5-18.
  • G.S. Djordjevic, D.D. Dimitrijevic and M. Milosevic,On Canonical Transformation and Tachyon-like „Particles“ in Inflationary Cosmology, Romanian Journal of Physics, (M20) vol. vol. 61, No. 1-2 (2016) 99-109.
  • M. Milosevic, D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and M.D. Stojanovic,Dynamics of tachyon fields and inflation - comparison of analytical and numerical results with observation, Serbian Astronomical Journal, (M20) (2016) 1-8.
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic and D. Vulcanov,Quantization of Tachyon-Like Matter, Abstract Book of the Physics Conference TIM2013, 21-24 November 2013, Timisoara, Romania, Ed. Claudiu Biris, (M30) (2013) 98.
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, D. Mladenov and S. Varbev,On the Quantization of a p-Adic Calogero-Moser Model on Nonarchimedean Spaces, Abstract Book of the Physics Conference TIM2013, 21-24 November 2013, Timisoara, Romania, Ed. Claudiu Biris, (M30) (2013) 84.
  • Д.Д. Димитријевић, Г.С. Ђорђевић и М. Милошевић,Инфлаторни космолошки модели са тахионским пољем, Зборник радова са XII Конгреса физичара Србије, 28 април-2. мај 2013, Врњачка Бања, (M60) (2013) 371-374.
  • G.S. Djordjevic, D.D. Dimitrijevic and Milan Milosevic,Bilateral vs. Multilateral Cooperation in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in an Italian-Serbian Context, Proc. Book of the Status and Perspectives of the Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation, Edited by P. Battinelli and M. Ivetić, University of Belgrade, (M30) (2013) 78-82.
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic and Milan Milosevic,About non Standard Lagrangians in Cosmology, AIP Conf. Proc., (M30) vol.1472 (2012) 41-46. [ doi: 10.1063/1.4748066]
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic,On p-Adic Pseudodifferential Operator(s), Physics AUC, (M50) vol.vol. 21 (2011) 242-248.
  • G.S. Djordjevic, Lj. Nesic, D.D. Dimitrijevic and M. Milosevic,On Milne Universe in Quantum Cosmology, AIP Conf. Proc., (M30) vol.1387 (2011) 5-16. [ doi: 10.1063/1.3647047]
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic and M. Milosevic,About non Standard Lagrangians in Cosmology, Book of Abstracts, Physics Conference TIM2011, 24-27 November, 2011, Timisoara, Romania, Editor(s): Madalin Bunoiu, Nicolae Avram, Claudiu G. Biris, (M30) (2011) 2.
  • G.S. Djordjevic and D.D. Dimitrijevic,Multiple Universe and Multiple Reality!?, Physics AUC, (M30) vol.Vol. 20 (part 1) (2010) 9-19.
  • G.S. Djordjevic, Lj.D. Nesic and D.D. Dimitrijevic,Nonlocality and Noncommutativity in Tachyonic Inflation, Abstract Book of the Conference Invisible Universe, France, (M30) (2009) 2.
  • G.S. Djordjevic, Lj. D. Nesic and D.D. Dimitrijevic,p-Adic and DBI-type Tachyons, Abstract Book of the The Fourth International Conference on p-Adic Mathematical Physics - p-ADIC MATHPHYS.2009, Belarus, 2009, Eds. A. Radyna and Y. Radyna, (M30) (2009) 11.
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic and Lj. Nesic,Notes on Real and p-Adic Inflation , Abstract Book of the SSSCP2009, Spring School on Strings, Cosmology and Particles, Serbia, 2009, Eds. M. Cirkovic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic, (M30) (2009) 19-20.
  • D. D. Dimitrijevic, G. S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic,Quantum Cosmology and Tachyons, Fortschritte der Physik, (M20) vol.Vol. 56, No. 4-5 (2008) 412-417. [ doi: 10.1002/prop.200710513]
  • D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. D. Nesic,On Tachyon-like Phenomena in Classical and Quantum Physics, Physics AUC, (M30) vol.Vol. 18 (2008) 166-177.
  • D. Dimitrijević, G.S. Đorđević, Lj. Nešić,Quantum Cosmology on Ultrametric and Noncommutative Spaces, Journal of Research in Physics, (M50) vol.Vol. 31, No. 2 (2007) 122-125.
  • D.D. Dimitrijevic and G.S. Djordjevic,Zero Dimensional Field Theory of Tachyon Matter, AIP Conf. Proc., (M30) vol.899 (2007) 359-360. [ doi: 10.1063/1.2733185]
  • D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic,On Green Function for the Free Particle, Filomat, (M20) vol.21:2 (2007) 251-260.
  • Vesić, N. O., Dimitrijević, D. D., & Simjanović, D. J. (2021). Generalized riemannian spaces with respect to 4-velocity vectors and functions of state parameters. Filomat, 35(5), 1519–1541. https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL2105519V
  • Milošević, M., Bilić, N., Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., & Stojanović, M. (2019). Numerical calculation of hubble hierarchy parameters and observational parameters of inflation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2075(1), 090009. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5091223
  • Dimitrijevic, D. D., Dimitrijevic, M. A., Djordjevic, G. S., & Milosevic, M. (2019). On tachyonic inflaton with constraints. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2071(1), 020008. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5090055
  • Vuković, G., Aničić Urošević, M., Škrivanj, S., Milićević, T., Dimitrijević, D., Tomašević, M., & Popović, A. (2016). Moss bag biomonitoring of airborne toxic element decrease on a small scale: A street study in Belgrade, Serbia. Science of The Total Environment, 542, 394–403. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2015.10.091
  • Milošević, M., Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., & Stojanović, M. D. (2016). Dynamics of tachyon fields and inflation - comparison of analytical and numerical results with observation. Serbian Astronomical Journal, 2016(192), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.2298/SAJ160312003M
  • Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., Milošević, M., Dimitrijevi´c, D. D., Djordjevi´cdjordjevi´c, G. S., Miloševi´c, M. M., & Vulcanov, D. (2015). On classical and quantum dynamics of tachyon-like fields and their cosmological implications. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1634(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4903007
  • Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., Milošević, M., Dimitrijevi´c, D. D., Djordjevi´cdjordjevi´c, G. S., Miloševi´c, M. M., & Vulcanov, D. (2015). On classical and quantum dynamics of tachyon-like fields and their cosmological implications. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1634(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4903007