Mančev, I., Milojević, N., Delibašić, D., Milenković, M., & Belkić, D. (2024). Single-electron capture from helium targets by heavy nuclei of charges 1–7. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 160, 101685.
Milojević, N., Mančev, I., Delibašić, D., & Belkić, D. (2023). The BCIS-4B method for state-selective and state-summed total cross sections: Proton–helium charge exchange at 10–4000 keV. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 150, 101566,
Milojević, N., Mančev, I., Delibašić, D., & Belkić, D. (2023). Cross sections for single-electron capture from heliumlike targets by fast heavy nuclei. Physical Review A, 107(5), 052806.
Delibašić, D., Milojević, N., Mančev, I., & Belkić, D. (2022). Single-electron transfer from helium atoms to energetic multiply-charged nuclei. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 148, 101530.
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Danilo Delibašić and Dževad Belkić,Electron capture by fast projectiles from lithium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and neon, Physica Scripta, (M20) vol.95 (2020)
Nenad Milojević, Ivan Mančev, Danilo Delibašić and Dževad Belkić,Three-body boundary-corrected continuum-intermediate-state method for single charge exchange with the general transition amplitude (1s -> n/m) applied to the p-H(1s), alpha-H(1s), and p-He(1s(2)) collisions with n <= 4, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.102 (2020)
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, and Dževad Belkić,State-selective and total cross sections for electron capture from the K-shell of multi-electron atoms by fully stripped projectiles, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data , (M20) vol.129 (2019)
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević and Dževad Belkić,Electron capture by bare projectiles from multi-electron targets, Eur. Phys. J. D , (M20) vol.72 (2018)
Nenad Milojević, Ivan Mančev and Dževad Belkić,Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method for charge exchange between hydrogenlike projectiles and atoms, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.96 (2017)
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević and Dževad Belkić,Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method: Single-electron capture from heliumlike atomic systems by fast nuclei, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.91 (2015)
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević and Dževad Belkić,Theoretical state-selective and total cross sections for electron capture from helium atoms by fully stripped ions, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, (M20) vol.102 (2015)
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Dževad Belkić,Electron correlations in single-electron capture into any state of fast projectiles from heliumlike atomic systems, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.88 (2013) 052706-1-052706-15. [ doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.052706]
Dževad Belkić, Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Four-body theories for transfer ionization in fast ion-atom collisions, , (M20) vol.65 (2013) 339-362.
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić,State-selective and total single-capture cross sections for fast collisions of multiply charged ions with helium atoms, Few-Body Systems, (M20) vol.54 (2013) 1889-1900. [ doi: 10.1007/s00601-012-0563-3]
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić,Mutual neutralization in H+-H- collisions by electron capture, Europhysics Letters (EPL), (M20) vol.103 (2013) 23001-p1-23001-p6. [ doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/103/23001]
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Neutralizacija jona H- u sudarima sa protonima, XII Kongres fizičara Srbije, (Vrnjačka Banja, 2013), (M60) (2013) 300-303.
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić,Four-body corrected first Born approximation for single-electron capture into arbitrary states of energetic projectiles Physical Review A , (M20) vol.86 (2012) 022704-1-022704-13. [ doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.022704]
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Charge exchange in fast Li3+-He collisions, 26th Int. Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (Zrenjan, Serbia, 2012), (M30) (2012)
Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Electron correlations in single-electron capture from helium by fast protons and α particles, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.81 (2010) 022710-1-022710-10. [ doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.022710]
Dževad Belkić, Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,"Critical Assessment of Theoretical Methods for Li(3+) Collisions with He at Intermediate and High Impact Energies", Fast Ion-Atom and Ion-Molecule Collisions, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2012)
Delibašić, D., Milojević, N., Mančev, I., & Belkić, D. (2021). Electron transfer from atomic hydrogen to multiply-charged nuclei at intermediate and high energies. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 139(February), 101417.
Delibašić, D., Milojević, N., Mančev, I., & Belkić, D. (2021). Electron removal from hydrogen atoms by impact of multiply charged nuclei. European Physical Journal D, 75(4), 1–12.
Milojević, N. (2014). Single electron capture in fast ion-atom collisions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 565(1).
Dr Nenad Lj. Milojević
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Departman za fiziku