Dr Nenad Lj. Milojević

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  • Mančev, I., Milojević, N., Delibašić, D., Milenković, M., & Belkić, D. (2024). Single-electron capture from helium targets by heavy nuclei of charges 1–7. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 160, 101685. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ADT.2024.101685
  • Milojević, N., Mančev, I., Delibašić, D., & Belkić, D. (2023). The BCIS-4B method for state-selective and state-summed total cross sections: Proton–helium charge exchange at 10–4000 keV. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 150, 101566, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ADT.2022.101566
  • Milojević, N., Mančev, I., Delibašić, D., & Belkić, D. (2023). Cross sections for single-electron capture from heliumlike targets by fast heavy nuclei. Physical Review A, 107(5), 052806. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.052806
  • Delibašić, D., Milojević, N., Mančev, I., & Belkić, D. (2022). Single-electron transfer from helium atoms to energetic multiply-charged nuclei. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 148, 101530. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ADT.2022.101530
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Danilo Delibašić and Dževad Belkić,Electron capture by fast projectiles from lithium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and neon, Physica Scripta, (M20) vol.95 (2020)
  • Nenad Milojević, Ivan Mančev, Danilo Delibašić and Dževad Belkić,Three-body boundary-corrected continuum-intermediate-state method for single charge exchange with the general transition amplitude (1s -> n/m) applied to the p-H(1s), alpha-H(1s), and p-He(1s(2)) collisions with n <= 4, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.102 (2020)
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, and Dževad Belkić,State-selective and total cross sections for electron capture from the K-shell of multi-electron atoms by fully stripped projectiles, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data , (M20) vol.129 (2019)
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević and Dževad Belkić,Electron capture by bare projectiles from multi-electron targets, Eur. Phys. J. D , (M20) vol.72 (2018)
  • Nenad Milojević, Ivan Mančev and Dževad Belkić,Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method for charge exchange between hydrogenlike projectiles and atoms, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.96 (2017)
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević and Dževad Belkić,Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method: Single-electron capture from heliumlike atomic systems by fast nuclei, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.91 (2015)
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević and Dževad Belkić,Theoretical state-selective and total cross sections for electron capture from helium atoms by fully stripped ions, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, (M20) vol.102 (2015)
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Dževad Belkić,Electron correlations in single-electron capture into any state of fast projectiles from heliumlike atomic systems, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.88 (2013) 052706-1-052706-15. [ doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.052706]
  • Dževad Belkić, Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Four-body theories for transfer ionization in fast ion-atom collisions, , (M20) vol.65 (2013) 339-362.
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić,State-selective and total single-capture cross sections for fast collisions of multiply charged ions with helium atoms, Few-Body Systems, (M20) vol.54 (2013) 1889-1900. [ doi: 10.1007/s00601-012-0563-3]
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić,Mutual neutralization in H+-H- collisions by electron capture, Europhysics Letters (EPL), (M20) vol.103 (2013) 23001-p1-23001-p6. [ doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/103/23001]
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Neutralizacija jona H- u sudarima sa protonima, XII Kongres fizičara Srbije, (Vrnjačka Banja, 2013), (M60) (2013) 300-303.
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić,Four-body corrected first Born approximation for single-electron capture into arbitrary states of energetic projectiles Physical Review A , (M20) vol.86 (2012) 022704-1-022704-13. [ doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.022704]
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Charge exchange in fast Li3+-He collisions, 26th Int. Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (Zrenjan, Serbia, 2012), (M30) (2012)
  • Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,Electron correlations in single-electron capture from helium by fast protons and α particles, Physical Review A, (M20) vol.81 (2010) 022710-1-022710-10. [ doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.022710]
  • Dževad Belkić, Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević,"Critical Assessment of Theoretical Methods for Li(3+) Collisions with He at Intermediate and High Impact Energies", Fast Ion-Atom and Ion-Molecule Collisions, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2012)
  • Delibašić, D., Milojević, N., Mančev, I., & Belkić, D. (2021). Electron transfer from atomic hydrogen to multiply-charged nuclei at intermediate and high energies. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 139(February), 101417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adt.2021.101417
  • Delibašić, D., Milojević, N., Mančev, I., & Belkić, D. (2021). Electron removal from hydrogen atoms by impact of multiply charged nuclei. European Physical Journal D, 75(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjd/s10053-021-00123-6
  • Milojević, N. (2014). Single electron capture in fast ion-atom collisions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 565(1). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/565/1/012004