Dr Dejan S. Aleksić

Vanredni profesor
Departman za fiziku

  • Rajković, P., Aleksić, D., & Janković, D. (2024). The Implementation of Battery Charging Strategy for IoT Nodes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14352 LNCS, 40–51. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-48803-0_4/FIGURES/4
  • Mitic, V. V., Ribar, S., Randjelovic, B. M., Aleksic, D., Fecht, H., & Vlahovic, B. (2022). A new neural network approach to density calculation on ceramic materials. Modern Physics Letters B, 36(02). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217984921505497
  • Spasic, A. J., Jankovic, D. S., Rajkovic, P. J., & Aleksic, D. S. (2022). Programme-Sensitive Modifications of Generalized Net Model of Software-Intensive Production of Stereoscopic Multimedia Content. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 61(5), 824–842. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064230722050136
  • Rajković, P., Aleksić, D., Djordjević, A., & Janković, D. (2022). Hybrid Software Deployment Strategy for Complex Industrial Systems. Electronics (Switzerland), 11(14), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11142186
  • Rajković, P., Aleksić, D., Janković, D., Milenković, A., Petković, I,Perceived Usefulness—The Analysis of Users’ Response to the Updated Electronic Health Record Core Features, International Journal of Medical Informatics , (M20) vol.115 (2018) 80–91.
  • Aleksic, D. S., Jankovic, D. S., & Rajkovic, P.,Product configurators in SME one-of-a-kind production with the dominant variation of the topology in a hybrid manufacturing cloud., The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (M20) vol.92 (2017) 2145–2167.
  • Aleksić, D., Rajković, P., Vučković, D., Janković, D., & Milenković, A.,Data summarization method for chronic disease tracking, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, (M20) vol.69 (2017) 188–202.
  • Aleksic D S, Jankovic D S,Informacioni sistem za podrsku u projektovanju i proizvodnji fasadne stolarije Xal.JobMan, , (M80) (2013)
  • Aleksic D S, Jankovic D S and Stoimenov L V,A case study on the object-oriented framework for modeling product families with the dominant variation of the topology in the one of a kind production, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (M20) vol.Volume 59, Numbers 1-4 (2012) 397-412. [ doi: 10.1007/s00170-011-3466-4]
  • Dejan S. Aleksic, Dragan S. Jankovic,The realization of the OO database in the specific CAD/CAM applications, The X International Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2009), (M30) (2009)
  • Dejan S. Aleksic, Dragan S. Jankovic,The use of scripts in a CAD/CAM database, The X International Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2009), (M30) (2009)
  • Dejan S. Aleksić, Dragan S. Janković, Leonid V. Stoimenov ,One realization of multilingual support in specific CAD/CAM applications, ICT Innovations 2009, (M30) (2009)
  • Aleksić, D., Litovski, V., Milenković, S,Simulacija računarskih mreža, Šesnaesti simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobracaju, (M60) (1998)
  • Aleksic, D., Litovski, V., Milenkovic, S,TCP/IP protocol modeling and simulation using ALECSIS 2., Telsiks 97, (M30) vol.08-10 (1997) 564-569.
  • Aleksic, D., Litovski. V., Milenkovic, S,Modeliranja i primena modela TCP/IP protokola u ALECSIS 2.3 simulatoru, YU INFO 97, (M60) vol.01-04 (1997) 425-429.
  • Aleksic, D., Litovski. V. , Milenkovic, S,Ethernet bridge modeling and simulation using ALECSIS 2.1, Telsiks 95, (M30) vol.10-12 (1995) 400-403.
  • Stevanovic, B., Mihajlovic, G., Aleksic, D.,Primena Jackson-ove metode projektovanja na sistem video nadzora, Zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN, (M60) vol.Sveska VIII-RT (1993) 511-516.
  • Aleksic, D., Igic, J., Stevanovic, B,Objektno orijentisani pristup razvoju programa za upravljanje specificnim sistemima, Zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN, (M60) vol.Sveska VIII-RT (1993) 369-374.
  • Aleksic, D,SCH2COS – Program za sprezanje editora elektronskih šema (SCHEDIT) i integrisanog softverskog paketa za projektovanje gejtovskih matrica (ISPGM), MIPRO – Savetovanje o mirkoracunalima i sistemima procesnog upravljanja – mPU, (M60) (1989)
  • Aleksic, D., Arandjelovic, M., Ilic, Z,Racunarski program za konverziju simbolickog layout-a topologije u PG fajl, MIPRO – Savetovanje o mikroracunalima i sistemima procesnog upravljanja – PU, (M60) (1988)
  • Dejan S. Aleksić, Dragan S. Janković, Leonid V. Stoimenov ,One realization of the attribute inheritance mechanism in specific CAD/CAM applications, ICT Innovations 2010, (M30) () 2010.
  • Rajković, P., Aleksić, D., Janković, D., Milenković, A., & Petković, I. (2018). Checking the potential shift to perceived usefulness—The analysis of users’ response to the updated electronic health record core features. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 115, 80–91. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.IJMEDINF.2018.04.011