Dr Marjan S. Ranđelović

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  • Zagorac, J., Zagorac, D., Šrot, V., & Ranđelović, M. (2023). Synthesis, Characterization, and Electronic Properties of ZnO/ZnS Core/Shell Nanostructures Investigated Using a Multidisciplinary Approach. Materials 2023, 16(1), 326, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16010326
  • Zarubica, A., Sredojević, D., Ljupković, R., Randjelović, M., Murafa, N., Stoiljković, M., Lazić, V., & Nedeljković, J. M. (2023). Photocatalytic ability of visible-light-responsive hybrid ZrO2 particles. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 7(9), 2279–2287. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3SE00175J
  • Ranđelović Marjan, Jelena Čović, Ivana Jovanović, Zarubica Aleksandra, Bojić Aleksandar (2022). Morpho-Structural Characterization and Electrophoretic Deposition of Xonotlite Obtained by a Hydrothermal Method. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1932–1941. DOI: 10.30492/IJCCE.2021.131277.4241
  • Čović, J., Mirceski, V., Zarubica, A., Enke, D., Carstens, S., Bojić, A., & Ranđelović, M. (2022). Palladium-graphene hybrid as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen peroxide reduction. Applied Surface Science, 574(October 2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151633
  • Hadzic, B., Matovic, B., Randjelovic, M., Kostic, R., Romcevic, M., Trajic, J., Paunovic, N., & Romcevic, N. (2021). Phonons investigation of ZnO@ZnS core-shell nanostructures with active layer. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 52(3), 616–625. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.6058
  • Zarubica, A., Krstić, J. B., Popović, D., Krstić, A., Ljupković, R., Randjelović, M., & Matović, B. (2021). Influence of alumina addition on structural and catalytic properties of sulphated zirconia in isomerization of n-hexane. Processing and Application of Ceramics, 15(2), 111–119. https://doi.org/10.2298/PAC2102184S
  • Milićević, J. S., Ranđelović, M. S., Momčilović, M. Z., Zarubica, A. R., Mofarah, S. S., Matović, B., & Sorrel, C. C. (2020). Multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with MoO2 nanoparticles for voltammetric determination of the pesticide oxyfluorfen. Microchimica Acta, 187(8), 2–9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00604-020-04406-4
  • Čović, J. S., Zarubica, A. R., Bojić, A. L. J., Troter, T. M., & Ranđelović, M. S. (2020). Electrochemical study of novel composite electrodes based on glassy carbon bulk-modified with Pt and MoO2 nanoparticles supported onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 85(9), 1185–1196. https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC200221043C
  • Ranđelović, M. S., Momčilović, M. Z., Milićević, J. S., Đurović-Pejčev, R. D., Mofarah, S. S., & Sorrel, C. C. (2019). Voltammetric sensor based on Pt nanoparticles suported MWCNT for determination of pesticide clomazone in water samples. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 105, 115–123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2019.10.013
  • Randjelović, M. S., Momčilović, M. Z., Enke, D., & Mirčeski, V. (2019). Electrochemistry of hydrogen peroxide reduction reaction on carbon paste electrodes modified by Ag- and Pt-supported carbon microspheres. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 23(4), 1257–1267. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-019-04226-4
  • Ranđelović, M. S., Momčilović, M. Z., Purenović, J. M., Dornberg, G., Barascu, A., Enke, D., & Zarubica, A. R. (2018). Exploring electrochemical and sorptive aspects of interaction between dissolved sulfides and novel Fe-enriched aluminosilicate composites. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 549(December 2017), 196–204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2018.04.014
  • Purenovic, J., Randjelovic, M., Momcilovic, M., Purenovic, M., Stankovic, N., & Andjelkovic, L. (2017). Physicochemically modified peat by thermal and oxidation processes as an active material for purification of wastewaters from certain hazardous pollutants. Hemijska Industrija, 71(4), 299–306. https://doi.org/10.2298/hemind160522040p
  • Ranđelović, M. S., Momčilović, M. Z., Nikolić, G., & Ðordević, J. S. (2017). Electrocatalitic behaviour of serpentinite modified carbon paste electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 801(July), 338–344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2017.08.011
  • Vasic, M., Randjelovic, M., Mitrovic, J., Stojkovic, N., Matovic, B., & Zarubica, A. (2017). Decolorization of crystal violet over TiO2 and TiO2 doped with zirconia photocatalysts. Hemijska Industrija, 71(3), 259–269. https://doi.org/10.2298/hemind160521036v
  • Ranđelović, M., Momčilović, M., Purenović, M., Zarubica, A., & Bojić, A. (2016). The acid–base, morphological and structural properties of new biosorbent obtained by oxidative hydrothermal treatment of peat. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(9). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-016-5242-0
  • Momčilović, M. Z., Randelović, M. S., Purenović, M. M., Crossed D Signorcrossed D Signević, J. S., Onjia, A., & Matović, B. (2016). Morpho-structural, adsorption and electrochemical characteristics of serpentinite. Separation and Purification Technology, 163, 72–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2016.02.042
  • Article - null. (2016). KI/Al2O3 AS HETEROGENEOUS CATALYST IN BIODIESEL PREPARATION: K+ KEY FACTOR FOR CATALYST EFFICIENCY. https://scibulcom.net/en/article/vcSQBeonyMqgnX8KMjGb
  • Vasíc, M. B., Randjelovíc, M. S., Momčilovíc, M. Z., Matovíc, B. Z., & Zarubica, A. R. (2016). Degradation of crystal violet over heterogeneous TiO2-based catalysts: The effect of process parameters. Processing and Application of Ceramics, 10(3), 189–198. https://doi.org/10.2298/PAC1603189V
  • Purenović, J. M., Randjelović, M. S., Matović, B. Z., & Purenović, M. M. (2015). Application of Minkowski layer for intergranular fractal surfaces of multiphase active microalloyed and alloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics. Applied Surface Science, 332, 440–455. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.162
  • Rancrossed D Signelović, M., Momčilović, M., Matović, B., Babić, B., & Barek, J. (2015). Cyclic voltammetry as a tool for model testing of catalytic Pt- and Ag-doped carbon microspheres. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 757, 176–182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2015.09.035
  • Ranelovic, M. S., Purenovic, M. M., Matovic, B. Z., Zarubica, A. R., Momčilovic, M. Z., & Purenovic, J. M. (2014). Structural, textural and adsorption characteristics of bentonite-based composite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 195, 67–74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.03.031
  • Andelković, L. N., Purenović, M. M., Randelović, M. S., Milićević, D. B., Zarubica, A. R., Mitić, M. P., & Tomović, S. (2014). Sinergizam hidromehaničkih i hidrohemijskih parametara u procesu stvaranja čvrstih depozita u geotermalnim i drugim vodama. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 20(2), 197–206. https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ120720123A
  • Momčilović, M. Z., Randelović, M. S., Onjia, A. E., Zarubica, A., Babić, B. M., & Matović, B. Z. (2014). Study on the efficient removal of clopyralid from water using a resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon cryogel. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79(4), 481–494. https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC130611151M
  • Momčilović, M. Z., Ranđelović, M. S., Purenović, M., Onjia, A. E., Babić, B. M., & Matović, B. Z. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of resorcinol formaldehyde carbon cryogel as efficient sorbent for imidacloprid removal. New Pub: Balaban, 52(37–39), 7306–7316. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2013.836993
  • Zarubica, A., Vasić, M., Antonijevic, M. D., Rancrossed D Signelović, M., Momčilović, M., Krstić, J., & Nedeljković, J. (2014). Design and photocatalytic ability of ordered mesoporous TiO2 thin films. Materials Research Bulletin, 57, 146–151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2014.03.015
  • Adsorption of malachite green onto bentonite modified with carboxymethyl cellulose | Request PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264120619_Adsorption_of_malachite_green_onto_bentonite_modified_with_carboxymethyl_cellulose
  • Zarubica, A., Rancrossed D Signelović, M., Momčilović, M., Radulović, N., & Putanov, P. (2013). N-hydrocarbons conversions over metal-modified solid acid catalysts. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 87(13), 2166–2175. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0036024413130281
  • Purenović, J., Mitić, V. V., Kocić, L., Pavlović, V., Randjelović, M., & Purenović, M. (2013). Intergranular area microalloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics fractal analysis. Science of Sintering, 45(1), 117–126. https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS1301117P
  • Bojić, D. V., Randelović, M. S., Zarubica, A. R., Mitrović, J. Z., Radović, M. D., Purenović, M. M., & Bojić, A. L. (2013). Comparison of new biosorbents based on chemically modified Lagenaria vulgaris shell. New Pub: Balaban, 51(34–36), 6871–6881. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2013.771287
  • Momčilović, M. Z., Randelović, M. S., Zarubica, A. R., Onjia, A. E., Kokunešoski, M., & Matović, B. Z. (2013). SBA-15 templated mesoporous carbons for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 220, 276–283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2012.12.024
  • Zarubica, A., Randjelovic, M., Momcilovic, M., Stojkovic, N., Vasic, M., & Radulovic, N. (2013). The balance between acidity and tetragonal phase fraction in the favorable catalytic act of modified zirconia towards isomerized n-hexane(s). Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 7(1–2), 62–69.
  • Randelović, M., Purenović, M., Zarubica, A., Purenović, J., Matović, B., & Momčilović, M. (2012). Synthesis of composite by application of mixed Fe, Mg (hydr)oxides coatings onto bentonite - A use for the removal of Pb(II) from water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 199–200, 367–374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.11.025
  • Stojkovic, N., Vasic, M., Marinkovic, M., Randjelovic, M., Purenovic, M., Putanov, P., & Zarubica, A. (2012). Uporedno ispitivanje izomerizacije n-heksana na čvrstim kiselinama: Sulfatima i fosfatima modifikovanom cirkonijum(IV)- oksidu. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 18(2), 209–220. https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ110602062S
  • Momèilović, M. Z., Onjia, A. E., Purenović, M. M., Zarubica, A. R., & Randelović, M. S. (2012). Removal of a cationic dye from water by activated pinecones. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 77(6), 761–774. https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC110517162M
  • Momčilović, M., Purenović, M., Bojić, A., Zarubica, A., & Randelovid, M. (2011). Removal of lead(II) ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto pine cone activated carbon. Desalination, 276(1–3), 53–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2011.03.013
  • Randelović, M. S., Purenović, M. M., Zarubica, A. R., Mladenović, I. D., Purenović, J. M., & Momčilović, M. Z. (2011). Fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija bentonita i njegova primena u uklanjanju mn2+ iz vode. Hemijska Industrija, 65(4), 381–387. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND110322029R
  • Stanković, N. J., Purenović, M. M., Marjan, S. R., & Purenović, J. M. (2011). The effects of colloidal sio2and inhibitor on the solid deposit formation in geothermal water of low hardness. Hemijska Industrija, 65(1), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND100716058S
  • Randelović, M., Purenović, M., Zarubica, A., Purenović, J., Mladenović, I., & Nikolić, G. (2011). Alumosilicate ceramics based composite microalloyed by Sn: An interaction with ionic and colloidal forms of Mn in synthetic water. Desalination, 279(1–3), 353–358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2011.06.036
  • Randelović, M., Purenović, M., Purenović, J., & Momčilovic, M. (2011). Removal of Mn2+ from water by bentonite coated with immobilized thin layers of natural organic matter. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua, 60(8), 486–493. https://doi.org/10.2166/AQUA.2011.074
  • Momčilović, M. Z., Purenović, M. M., Miljković, M. N., Bojić, A. L., Zarubica, A. R., & Randelović, M. S. (2011). Fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija praškastih aktivnih ugljeva dobijenih termo-hemijskom konverzijom biljnog komunalnog otpada. Hemijska Industrija, 65(3), 241–247. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND110124016M
  • Effect of immobilised thin layers of organic matter on Mn 2+ removal from water systems by bentonite composite | Request PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289013769_Effect_of_immobilised_thin_layers_of_organic_matter_on_Mn_2_removal_from_water_systems_by_bentonite_composite
  • Prevention of solid deposit formation processes in geothermal and synthetic mineral waters of high hardness level | Request PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286533614_Prevention_of_solid_deposit_formation_processes_in_geothermal_and_synthetic_mineral_waters_of_high_hardness_level
  • Physicochemical interaction between microalloyed and structurally modified composite ceramics and sulphide solutions | Request PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288600595_Physicochemical_interaction_between_microalloyed_and_structurally_modified_composite_ceramics_and_sulphide_solutions
  • Removal of reactive dye Procion Red MX-5B from model aqueus solutions using Mg-Al layered double hydroxide | Request PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296836770_Removal_of_reactive_dye_Procion_Red_MX-5B_from_model_aqueus_solutions_using_Mg-Al_layered_double_hydroxide