Dr Snežana B. Tošić

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Departman za hemiju

  • Mrmošanin, J., Pavlović, A., Rašić Mišić, I., Tošić, S., Petrović, S., Mitić, Z., Pecev-Marinković, E., & Arsić, B. (2023). Evaluation of an Inductively Coupled Plasma–Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) Method for the Determination of Macro and Microelements in Trifolium L. Species. Analytical Letters. https://doi.org/10.1080/00032719.2023.2213787
  • Petrović, S., Mitov, D., Mrmošanin, J., Arsić, B., Pavlović, A., & Tošić, S. (2023). The national maize hybrid as a potential mediator in the contamination of the food chain with heavy metals. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2023.2230145
  • Sovrlić, Z., Tošić, S., Kovačević, R., Jovanović, V., & Krstić, V. (2023). Correction: The Importance of Measuring Arsenic in Honey, Water, and PM10 for Food Safety as an Environmental Study: Experience from the Mining and Metallurgical Districts of Bor, Serbia (Sustainability, (2022), 14, (12446), 10.3390/su141912446). Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(9), 6–10. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15097334
  • Arsić, B., Mrmošanin, J., Petrović, S., Kostić, D., Pavlović, A., Tošić, S., & Georgijev, A. (2023). Creation of products made from honey based on the content of elements determined by ICP-OES. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 0123456789. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-25768-1
  • Velimirović, D., Tošić, S., Mitić, S., Pavlović, A., Rašić Mišić, I., & Stojanović, G., Mineral, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of selected honey samples consumed in Serbia, Journal of Apicultural Research, 62(4), 850-862, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2021.1898783
  • Rasic Misic, I. D., Tosic, S. B., Pavlovic, A. N., Pecev-Marinkovic, E. T., Mrmosanin, J. M., Mitic, S. S., & Stojanovic, G. S. (2022). Trace element content in commercial complementary food formulated for infants and toddlers: Health risk assessment. Food Chemistry, 378(January), 132113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132113
  • Petrović, S., Mrmošanin, J., Pavlović, A., Alagić, S., Tošić, S., & Stojanović, G. (2022). The Influence of Agricultural Soil Preparation Methods on the Pseudo-Total Element Content Determined By Icp-Oes. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 67(1), 43–60. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbchem.2022.1.03
  • Tošić, S., Pavlović, A., Dimitrijević, I., Zlatanović, I., Mitić, V., & Stojanović, G. (2022). Elemental composition of selected lichen species growing on the Balkan Peninsula. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 87(11), 1313–1325. https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC220223049T
  • Velimirović, D., Tošić, S., Mitić, S., Pavlović, A., Rašić Mišić, I., & Stojanović, G. (2021). Mineral, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of selected honey samples consumed in Serbia. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/00218839.2021.1898783. https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2021.1898783
  • Petrović, J. V., Alagić, S., Milić, S. M., Tošić, S. B., & Bugarin, M. M. (2021). Chemometric characterization of heavy metals in soils and shoots of the two pioneer species sampled near the polluted water bodies in the close vicinity of the copper mining and metallurgical complex in Bor (Serbia): Phytoextraction and biomonitoring cont. Chemosphere, 262, 127808. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127808
  • Mišić, I. D. R., Mitić, S. S., Kostić, D. A., Tošić, S. B., Pecev-Marinković, E. T., & Miletić, A. S. (2021). Kinetic-spectrophotometric approach to the modified Berthelot procedure for serum urea determination. Chemical Papers, 75(2), 565–574. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-020-01315-x
  • Ilić, M. D., Mitić, V. D., Tošić, S. B., Pavlović, A. N., Marković, M. S., Stojanović, G. S., & Stankov Jovanović, V. P. (2021). Mineral composition of herbaceous species seseli rigidum and Seseli pallasii: A chemometric approach. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 68(3), 709–717. https://doi.org/10.17344/ACSI.2021.6755
  • Emilija Pecev-Marinković, Ana Miletić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snezana Tosić, Milan Mitić, Sofija Rančić, Biljana Dekić ,Optimization and Validation of Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Technique for the Determination of Pesticide Dicamba in Infant Baby Foods Using Solid Phase Extraction Method, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., (M20) vol.30(3) (2021) 2255-2263. [ doi: 10.15244/pjoes/127389]
  • Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena M. Mrmošanin, Snežana Č. Jovanović, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Jovana N. Krstić, Gordana S. Stojanović, Elemental analysis of culinary herbs and spices by ICP-OES: classification by chemometrics, Studia UBB Chemia, (M20) vol.LXV, 2, (2020) 69-83. [ doi: 10.24193/subbchem.2020.2.06]
  • MILENA NIKOLIC, ALEKSANDRA PAVLOVIC* , MILAN MITIC, SNEZANA MITIC, SNEZANA TOSIC, JELENA MRMOSANIN, EMILIJA PECEV-MARINKOVIC,Effect of Thermal Processing on Anthocyanin Degradation in Two Bilberry Jam Formulations , Rev. Chim.,, 2020, 34-44 , (M20) vol.71 (3) (2020) 34-44.
  • Emilija Pecev-Marinković, Ana Miletić, Snežana Tošić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Danijela Kostić, Ivana Rašić Mitić, Vidoslav Dekić,Optimization and validationof the kinetic spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of the pesticide atrazine and its application in infant formulae and cereal-based baby food, J Sci Food Agric, (M20) vol.99(12) (2019) 5424-5431.
  • M.D. Nikolić, A.N. Pavlović, S.S. Mitić, S.B. Tošić, M.N. Mitić, B.M. Kaličanin, D.D. Manojlović and D.M. Stanković,Use of cyclic voltammetry to determine the antioxidant capacity of berry fruits: correlation with spectrophotometric assays, Eur. J. Hortic. Sci., (M20) vol.84(3) (2019) 152–160.
  • A. S. Miletića ,E. T. Pecev-Marinković, Z. M. Grahovac, A. N. Pavlović, S. B. Tošić, and I. D. Rašić Mišić ,Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for 4-Nitrophenol Determination in Drinking Water, Journal of Analytical Chemistry, (M20) vol.74(6) (2019) 521-527.
  • Mitić, M., Tošić, S., Pavlović, A., Mašković, P., Kostić, D., Mitić, J., & Stevanović, V. (2019). Optimization of the extraction process of minerals from Salvia officinalis L. using factorial design methodology. Microchemical Journal, 145(December 2018), 1224–1230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2018.12.047
  • A. S. Miletić, E. T. Pecev-Marinkovića, Z. M. Grahovaca, A. N. Pavlovića, S. B. Tošića, and I. D. Rašić Mišića,Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for 4-Nitrophenol Determination in Drinking Water, Journal of Analytical Chemistry, (M20) vol.74(6) (2019) 521-527.
  • Snežana B. Tošić, Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinković, Danijela A. Kostić and Sofija M. Rančić ,Analytical application of the reaction system disulphonated hydroquinone-hydrogen peroxide for the kinetic spectrophotometric determination of iron traces in acidic media, Hem. Ind., (M20) vol.73 (6) (2019) 387-396. [ doi: 10.17344/acsi.2018.4800]
  • Snezana Mitic, Branka Stojanovic, Snezana Tosic, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Danijela Kostic, Milan Mitic, Comparative Study on Minerals in Peel and Pulp of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Fruit, Rev.Chim., (M20) vol.70(6) (2019) 2282 – 2286.
  • Jovana Pavlović, Snežana Mitić, Milan Mitić, Gordana Kocić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snežana Tošić, , , 69, 4, , 2019.,Variation in the Phenolic Compounds Profile and Antioxidant Activity in Different Parts of Hawthorn ( Crataegus pentagyna Villd.) During Harvest Periods, Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci., (M20) vol.69(4) (2019) 367-378. [ doi: DOI: 10.31883/pjfns/112019]
  • Jelena Mrmošanin, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snežana Miti, Snežana Tošić, Emilija Pecev-Marinković, Jovana Krstić and Milena Nikolić ,The Evaluation of ICP OES for the Determination of Potentially Toxic Elements in Lipsticks: Health Risk Assessment, Acta Chim. Slov., (M20) vol.66 (2019) 802-813. [ doi: 10.17344/acsi.2018.4800]
  • Danijela Kostić, Biljana Arsić, Saša Ranđelović, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snežana Tošić, Gordana Stojanović,Correlation Analysis of Heavy Metals Contents of Malva sylvestris L. plant and Its Extracts from Polluted and Non-polluted Locations in Niš, Republic of Serbia, Water Air Soil Pollut, (M20) vol.230(98) (2019)
  • Emilija T. Pecev-Marinković, Zora M. Grahovac, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Ivana D. Rašić Mišić, Milan N. Mitić, Ana S. Miletić, Dragana M. Sejmanović, , , 305-314 https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND171224015P,Development of a kinetic spectrophotometric method for insecticide diflubenzuron determination in water and baby food samples, Hemijska industrija, (M20) vol.72 (5) (2018) 305-314.
  • Milena Nikolić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Milan Mitić, Snežana Mitić, Snežana Tošić, Emilija Pecev-Marinković, Jelena Mrmošanin ,Thermal degradation kinetics of total polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and individual anthocyanins in two types of wild blackberry jams, Advanced technologies, (M50) vol.7(1) (2018) 20-27.
  • Jelena M. Mrmošanin, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jovana N. Krstić, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Milan B. Stojković, Ružica J. Micić, Miodrag S. Đorđević,Multielemental quantification in dark chocolate by ICP OES, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, (M20) vol.67 (2018) 163-171.
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Maja M. Nujkić, Aleksandra D. Papludis, Viktorija Z. Fogl,The content of the potentially toxic elements, iron and manganese in the grapevine cv Tamjanika growing near the biggest copper mining/metallurgical complex on the Balkan peninsula: Phytoremediation, biomonitoring and some toxicological aspects, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (M20) vol.25(34) (2018) 34139-34154.
  • Milan Mitić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snežana Tošić, Pavle Mašković, Danijela Kostić, Snežana Mitić, Gordana Kocić, Jelena Mašković,Optimization of simultaneous determination of metals in commercial pumpkin seed oils using inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry, Microchemical Journal, (M20) vol.141 (2018) 197-203.
  • Danijela Kostic, Sasa Randjelovic, Biljana Arsic, Snezana Mitic, Milan Mitic, Snezana Tosic, Gordana Stojanovic,Chemometric comparison of mineral content in different grape fruits growing in Serbia, Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality, (M20) vol.68(6) (2017) 140-145.
  • Snezana Tosic, Gordana Stojanovic, Snezana Mitic, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Sladjana Alagic,Mineral composition of selected Serbian propolis samples, Journal of Apicultural science, (M20) vol.61(1) (2017)
  • Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena M. Mrmošanin, Jovana N. Krstić, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Milan N. Mitić, Biljana B. Arsić, Ružica J. Micić,Effect of storage temperature on the decay of catechins and procyanidins in dark chocolate, Czech Journal of Food Science, (M20) vol.35(4) (2017) 360-366.
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Vesna P. Stankov Jovanović, Violeta D. Mitić, Jelena S. Nikolić, Goran M. Petrović, Snežana B. Tošić, Gordana S. Stojanović,The effect of multiple contamination of soil on LMW and MMW PAHs accumulation in the roots of Rubus fruticosus L. naturally growing near The Copper Mining and Smelting Complex Bor (East Serbia), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (M20) vol.24(18) (2017) 15609-15621.
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Jelena V. Petrović, Dragana V. Medić,Chemometric evaluation of trace metals in Prunus persica L. Batech and Malus domestica from Minićevo (Serbia), Food Chemistry, (M20) vol.217 (2017) 568-575.
  • Vojkan, M. M., Milan, J., Snežana, Đ., Maja, S., Staniša, S., Maja, V., Bojanić, N.,The removal of lead (II) ions from aqueous solutions by acid-activated clay modified with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Applied ecology and environmental research, (M20) vol.15(4) (2017) 1461-1472.
  • Milena Nikolić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snežana Mitić, Snežana Tošić, Emilija Pecev Marinković, Miodrag Đorđević, Ružica Micić,Optimization and validation of inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry method for macro and trace element determination in berry fruit samples, Analytical Methods, (M20) vol.8(24) (2016) 4844-4852.
  • Nujkić, M. M., Dimitrijević, M. D., Alagić, S., Tošić, S. B., & Petrović, J. V. (2016). Correction: Impact of metallurgical activities on the content of trace elements in the spatial soil and plant parts of Rubus fruticosus L. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 18(6), 768–768. https://doi.org/10.1039/C6EM90016J
  • Veljković, J. N., Pavlović, A. N., Brcanović, J. M., Mitić, S. S., Tošić, S. B., Pecev-Marinković, E. T., & Mitić, M. N. (2016). Differentiation of black, green, herbal and fruit bagged teas based on multi-element analysis using inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Chemical Papers, 70(4), 488–494. https://doi.org/10.1515/CHEMPAP-2015-0215/DOWNLOADASSET/SUPPL/CHEMPAP-2015-0215_SUPPLEMENT.DOC
  • Tošić, S., Alagić, S., Dimitrijević, M., Pavlović, A., & Nujkić, M. (2016). Plant parts of the apple tree (Malus spp.) as possible indicators of heavy metal pollution. Ambio, 45(4), 501–512. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-015-0742-9
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Jelena V. Petrović, Dragana V. Medić,The characterization of heavy metals in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cultivar Rkatsiteli and wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) from East Serbia by ICP-OES and BAFs, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, (M20) vol.47(17) (2016) 2034-2045.
  • Snežana Tošić, Slađana Alagić, Mile Dimitrijević, Aleksandra Pavlović and Maja Nujkić,Plant parts of the apple tree (Malus spp.) as possible indicators of heavy metal pollution, AMBIO: a journal of the human environment, (M20) vol.45(4) (2016) 501-512.
  • M. M. Nujkić, M. M. Dimitrijević, S. Č. Alagić, S. B. Tošić and J. V. Petrović,Impact of metallurgical activities on the content of trace elements in the spatial soil and plant parts of Rubus fruticosus L., Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, (M20) vol.18(3), (2016) 350-360.
  • M. D. Dimitrijević, M. M. Nujkić, S. Č. Alagić, S. M. Milić, S. B. Tošić,Heavy metal contamination of topsoil and parts of peach-tree growing at different distances from a smelting complex, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, (M20) vol.13(2) (2016) 615-630.
  • Snežana B Tošić, Snežana S Mitić, Dragan S Velimirović, Gordana S Stojanović, Aleksandra N Pavlović and Emilija T Pecev-Marinković,Elemental Composition of Edible Nuts- Fast Optimization and Validation Procedure of an Icp-Oes Method, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, (M20) vol.95(11) (2015) 2271-2278.
  • Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena M. Brcanović, Jovana N. Veljković, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Biljana M. Kaličanin, Danijela A. Kostić, Miodrag S. Đorđević, Dragan S. Velimirović,Characterization of commercially available products of aronia according to their metal content, Fruits, (M20) vol.70(6) (2015) 385-393.
  • Mitic D. Violeta, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanovic, Snezana B. Tosic, Aleksandra N. Pavlovic, Jelena S. Cvetkovic, Marija V. Dimitrijevic, Snezana D. Nikolic-Mandic,Chemometric approach to evaluate heavy metals content in Daucus Carota from different localities in Serbia, Hemijska industrija, (M20) vol.69(6) (2015) 643-650.
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Milan M. Antonijević, Maja M. Nujkić,Assessment of the quality of polluted areas based on the content of heavy metals in different organs of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv Tamjanika, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (M20) vol.22(9) (2015) 7155-7175.
  • Slađana Alagić, Snežana Tošić and Aleksandra Pavlović,Nickel content in deciduous trees near copper mining and smelting complex Bor (East Serbia), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, (M20) vol.9(4) (2014) 191-199.
  • Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Tamara J. Laketić, Snežana S. Mitić, Milenko J. Savić, Snežana B. Tošić, Miodrag S. Đorđević,Multielement determination using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for metal characterization of water from artesian wells in Semberija region: Multivariate analysis of data,, Hemijska industrija, (M20) vol.68(2) (2014) 247-256.
  • M. N. Mitic, D. A. Kostic, A. N. Pavlovic, S. B. Tosic, B. T. Stojanovic, D. D. Paunovic,Determination of metals in white and red wines using ICP-OES method, Oxidation Communications, (M20) vol.37(4) (2014) 1074-1082.
  • G. L. Filipovic, S. B. Tosic, P. N. Janosevic, Z. R. Ajdukovic, M. L. Janosevic,Determination of Nickel Contents in the Saliva of Patients with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances, Oxidation Communications, (M20) vol.37(3) (2014) 846-852.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Dušan Đ. Paunović, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Milan B. Stojković, Milan N. Mitić,Phenolic Profiles and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Marketed Beers in Serbia, International Journal of Food Properties, (M20) vol.14(4) (2014) 908–922.
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana S. Šebula, Snežana B. Tošić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena V. Petrović ,Bioaccumulation of Arsenic and Cadmium in Birch and Lime from the Bor Region, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, (M20) vol.65(4) (2013.) 671-682. [ doi: 10.1007/s00244-013-9948-7]
  • Jovana N. Veljković, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Gordana S. Stojanović, Biljana M. Kaličanin, Dalibor M. Stanković, Milan B. Stojković, Milan N. Mitić, Jelena M. Brcanović,Evaluation of individual phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of black, green, herbal and fruit tea infusions consumed in Serbia: spectrophotometrical and electrochemical approaches, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, (M20) vol.52(1) (2013.) 12-24.
  • T. J. Laketić, A. N. Pavlović, M. J. Savić, S. S. Mitić, S. B. Tošić, M. S. Đorđević, M. N. Mitić,Occurence of arsenic in water in Semberija: conection with factors affecting arsenic mobility, Oxidation Communications, (M20) vol.36(3) (2013.) 820–830.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Branka T. Stojanović, Milan N. Mitić and Milan B. Stojković,Elemental Composition of Various Apple Cultivars Grown in Serbia, Asian Journal of Chemistry, (M20) vol.25(11) (2013.) 6027-6032.
  • Dragan S Velimirović, Snežana S Mitić, Snežana B Tošić, Biljana M Kaličanin, Aleksandra N Pavlović and Milan N Mitić,Levels of Major and Minor Elements in Some Commercial Fruit Juices Available in Serbia, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, (M20) vol.12(5) (2013.) 805-811.
  • A. N. Pavlović, T. J. Laketić, S. S. Mitić, M. J. Savić, S. B. Tošić, M. S. Đorđević,Multielement determination using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for metal characterization of water from artesian wells in Semberija region: Multivariate analysis of data, Hem. Ind., (M20) (2013.) Online First. [ doi: 10.2298/HEMIND130429050P]
  • Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana S. Šebula, Snežana B. Tošić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena V. Petrović,Bioaccumulation of Arsenic and Cadmium in Birch and Lime from the Bor Region, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, (M20) vol. 65(4) (2013) 671-682.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Milan B. Stojković, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Milan N. Mitić,Heavy Metal Content in Different Types of Smoked Meat in Serbia, Food Addit. Contam. B., (M20) vol.5(4) (2012) 241-245. [ doi: DOI:10.1080/19393210.2012.702130]
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Mirjana V. Obradović, Milan N. Mitić, Danijela A. Kostić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Milan D. Stojković,Elemental Composition of Various Sour Cherry and Table Grape Cultivars Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Method (ICP-OES), Food Anal. Method., (M20) vol.5(2) (2012) 279-286. [ doi: 10.1007/s12161-011-9232-2]
  • D. S. Velimirovic, S. S. Mitic, S. B. Tosic, A. N. Pavlovic, M. D. Stojkovic,Determination of the content of some trace elements in particular samples of grains, flours and breads by ICP-OES, Oxidation Communications, (M20) vol.35(1) (2012) 160-171.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Emilija T. Pecev, Milan N. Mitić, Milan B. Stojković,Development and Application of Ligand-Exchange Reaction Method for the Determination of Clonazepam, Trop. J. Pharm. Res., (M20) vol.11(1) (2012) 91-98.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Dušan Đ. Paunović, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Milan B. Stojković, Milan N. Mitić,Phenolic Profiles and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Beers Consumed in Serbia Assessed by Three in Vitro Evaluation Assays, Int. J. Food Prop., (M20) (2012) [ doi: DOI:10.1080/10942912.2012.680223]
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Emilija T. Pecev, Milan N. Mitić, Ružica J. Micić,A kinetic method for the determination of diazepam based on ligand-exchange reaction, J. Chem. Pharm. Res., (M20) vol.3(2) (2011.) 605-611.
  • Ruzica Micic, Snezana Mitic, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Snezana Tosic, Milan Mitic,Kinetic determination of traces of Th(IV) on the basis of its catalytic effect in environmental water samples, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., (M20) vol.288(3) (2011.) 845-850.
  • Snezana Mitic, Snezana Tosic, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Slavica Sunaric and Dragan Velimirovic,Quantitative Analysis of The Seasonal Changes of Traces of Copper(II) in Mineral Water, Asian. J. Chem, (M20) vol.22(2) (2010.) 1183-1191.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić, Biljana B. Arsić, and Slavica M. Sunarić,Quantitative Determination of Glycine in Commercial Dosage Forms by Kinetic Spectrophotometry, J. Anal. Chem. , (M20) vol.64(7) (2009.) 683-689.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Gordana Ž. Miletić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić and Slavica M. Sunarić,Quantitative Analysis of Acetylsalicylic Acid in Commercial Pharmaceutical Formulations and Human Control Serum Using Kinetic Spectrophotometry, Acta. Chim. Slov., (M20) vol.55(3) (2008.) 508-515.
  • Snežana Mitić, Gordana Miletić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Snežana Tošić, and Emilija Pecev,Determination of Diclofenac Sodium in Commercial Pharmaceutical Formulations and Human Control Serum Using a Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method, Chem. Pharm. Bull., (M20) vol.55(10) (2007.) 1423-1426.
  • Snežana S. Mitić, Gordana Ž. Miletić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić and Dragan S. Velimirović,Development and Evaluation of a Kinetic-Spectrophotometric method for Determination of Arginine, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., (M20) vol.54(1) (2007.) 47-54.
  • S. S. Mitić, V. V. Živanović, M. V. Obradović, S. B. Tošić, A. N. Pavlović,Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Phosphate Ion, Chin. J. Chem, (M20) vol.25(4) (2007.) 531-534.
  • Zora M. Grahovac, Snežana S. Mitić, Emilija T. Pecev, Snežana B. Tošić,Kinetic spectrophotometric determination of Co(II) ion by the oxidation of Ponceau 4R by hydrogen peroxide, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. , (M20) vol.71(2) (2006.) 189-196.
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  • Jovana N. Veljković, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena M. Brcanović, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinković, Milan N. Mitić,Differentiation of black, green, herbal and fruit bagged teas based on multi-element analysis using inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, Chemical Papers (Chem. Zvesti), (M20) vol.70(4) ( 2016) 488-494.