Solar Energy Laboratory at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš was founded in 2003 and consists of two rooms on the fifth floor and the area on the Faculty’s flat roof.

Solar Energy Laboratory
Laboratory employs one Assistant professor, one Research Associate, two Research Assistants and one Junior Research Assistant (three PhD students).
So far, at Solar Energy Laboratory the following was investigated: thermal and electrical characteristics of thermal and hybrid PV/T collectors, efficiency of monocrystalline and polycrystalline PV modules and efficiency of 2 kWp PV power plant in real climatic conditions, the energy efficiency of monocrystalline PV modules depending on their orientation, tilt angle, temperature and soiling, electrical characteristics of damaged PV modules. Current research focuses on passive and active cooling of PV modules – Passive cooling with: heatsinks, PCM, PCM with other additives such as nanoparticles and heat sinks; Active cooling with: water, nanofluids and alcohol mixture and Effect of PV shading on PV electrical characteristic and efficiency.
Experimental setups in some previous research are shown in photographs below

On the left rotational PV module, hybrid PV/T collectors with monocrystalline and amorphous silicon solar cells, flat collector with spectrally selective and uncolored absorber, and on the right solar boiler, solar system and measuring devices which are part of hybrid PV/T system.

Solar system with two sets of vertical, horizontal and optimally inclined (32°) PV modules, for investigation of the soiling effect on the PV efficiency and the degree of soiling, during the heating seasons.

On the left is photograph of the system for passive and active cooling of PV modules, with monocrystalline and polycrystalline PV modules. On the right is thermal image of the system taken by FLIR C4 camera. Also shown on the photographs, bottom row, are damaged PV modules, whose electrical characteristics were investigated.

View with a thermal camera during the PV cooling, referent (uncooled) and cooled PV module.

Photograph of active PV cooling with water, on the left is shown slow flow of water in form of drops (drop-by-drop) and on the right fast flow of water forming thin layer on the modules front side.

Photograph and thermal image of actively cooled PV module with water as working fluid (fast flow).

Image of the back side of PV module with different heatsinks (passive cooling).

Thermal image of the front side of PV module with different heatsinks (on the left) and thermal image of the back side of PV module (Passive cooling).

Thermal image showing the temperature distribution of the heatsink in the process heat removal

Influence of soiling in heating season
Solar Energy Laboratory possess the following equipment:
- Weather station Davis Vantage PRO2 (USA),
- Pyranometer KIPP ZONEN CMP22 (Netherlands),
- Pyranometer UVB-1 (Aerо-Laser, Germany),
- PV-KLА device (Ingenieurbüro Mencke & Tegtmeyer, Germany) for measurement of solar modules I-V characteristics,
- SolarUsbSW device (MetteringSolutions, Bosnia and Herzegovina) for automatization of solar modules electrical parameters measurements,
- Experimental system comprised of five differently oriented PV solar modules for their efficiency investigation depending on geographical orientation and tilt angle,
- PV solar power plant of 2 kW,
- SunnyBoy inverter and Sunny WEBBOX produced by SMA (Germany) for the monitoring of the PV solar power plant of 2 kW,
- Solar boiler, measuring device for the water flow and calorimeter Multical 401.

Sensor unit of the automatic meteorological station Davis Vantage PRO2

Pyranometer KIPP ZONEN CMP22 UV (Netherlands)


PV I-V Curve Analyser (PV-KLA Ingenieurbüro Mencke & Tegtmeyer GmbH)

Experimental system comprised of five differently oriented PV solar modules for their efficiency investigation depending on geographical orientation and tilt angle

PV solar power plant of 2 kWp

Part of the interior of Solar Energy Laboratory with SunnyBoy inverter and Sunny WEBBOX for the monitoring of the PV solar power plant of 2 kW

Part of the interior of Solar Energy Laboratory with solar boiler, measuring device for the water flow and calorimeter Multical 401
Solar Energy Laboratory members
Member of Solar Energy Laboratory at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš:

Asst. prof. Lana Pantić Ranđelović
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Research Areas: Renewable energy, Solar energy, Photovoltaics
Google Scholar page:
Room: 500 – Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Phone: +381 18 533 015

Ivana Radonjić Mitić
Research Associate, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Research Areas:
Renewable energy, Solar energy, Photovoltaics, Experimental Physics, Renewable Energy Technologies
Google Scholar page:
Room: 500 – Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Phone: +381 18 533 015

Marko Krstić
Research Assistant, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš
Research Areas:
Solar and renewable energy, Experimental Physics, Photovoltaics, Passive and active cooling of solar PV modules (Passive cooling with: PCM, PCM with other additives such as nanoparticles and heat sinks, Active cooling with: water, nanofluids and alcohol mixture), Shading of solar PV modules.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2713-9905
Room: 501 – Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,

Stefan Đorđević
Research Assistant, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš
Member of Solar Energy Laboratory at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš
Research Areas:
Solar and renewable energy, Experimental Physics, Photovoltaics, Passive and active cooling of solar PV modules (Passive cooling with: PCM, PCM with other additives such as nanoparticles and heat sinks, Active cooling with: water, nanofluids and alcohol mixture), Shading of solar PV modules.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3713-497X
Room: 501 – Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
Kristina Kojić – Junior Research Assistant, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš
Member of Solar Energy Laboratory at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš
Research Areas:
Solar and renewable energy, Experimental Physics, Photovoltaics, Shading of solar PV modules.
ORCID iD: 0009-0003-5577-8688
Room: 501 – Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
- M. P. Petronijevic, I. Radonjic, M. Dimitrijevic, L. Pantic, M. Calasan, “Performance evaluation of single-stage photovoltaic inverters under soiling conditions”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 15 (2024), 102353, M21
- M. Krstić, L. Pantić, S. Đorđević, I. Radonjić, V. Begović, B. Radovanović, M. Mančić, Passive Cooling of Photovoltaic Panel by Aluminum Heat Sinks and Numerical Simulation, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2023, M21
- S. Đorđević, L. Pantic, M. Krstić, I. Radonjic, M. Mancic, A. Pantic, Enhancing Monocrystalline Solar Module Efficiency through Front-Surface Cooling with 96% Alcohol. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(9), 5331 M22
- D. Klimenta, D. Minic, L. Pantic, I. Radonjic, M. Premovic, Modeling of steady-state heat transfer through various photovoltaic floor laminates, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 229, 120589
- I. Radonjić, L. Pantić, T. Pavlović, D. Mirjanić, D. Divnić, Photovoltaic modules soiling during heating season in Niš, Serbia, Proceedings of International scientific conference“UNITECH 2022”, Gabrovo, 18-19 November 2022, pp. I-68-I72. M33
- S. Đorđević, M. Krstić, L. Pantić, I. Radonjić, T. Pavlović, Review of IoT based photovoltaic monitoring system applications, Proceedings of International scientific conference“UNITECH 2022”, Gabrovo, 18-19 November 2022, pp. I73-I78. M33
- L. Pantić, M. Krstić, S. Đorđević, I. Radonjić, M. Mančić, B. Radovanović, V. Begović, Investigation of the Effect of PV Panel Passive Cooling by Aluminum Heat Sinks and ANSYS FLUENT Simulation, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SimTerm2022, Niš, Serbia, October 18-21, pp. 250-256. M33
- I. Radonjić, T. Pavlović, D. Mirjanić, L. Pantić, “Investigation of fly ash soiling effects on solar modules performances“, Solar Energy, 220 (2021), pp. 144-151, M22
- T. Pavlović ed., T. Pavlovic, A. Tsangrassoulis, N. Dj. Cekic, P. Ts. Tsankov, D. Lj. Mirjanic, I. S. Radonjic Mitic, “The Sun and Photovoltaic Technologies“, Springer, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-22403-5.
- I. S. Radonjić, T. M. Pavlović, D. Lj. Mirjanić, M. K. Radović, D. D. Milosavljević, L. S. Pantić, “Investigation of the impact of atmospheric pollutants on solar module energy efficiency“, Thermal Science, 21(5) (2017), pp. 2021-2030,
- L. S. Pantić, T. M. Pavlović, D. D. Milosavljević, I. S. Radonjić, M. K. Radović, G. Sazhko, “The assessment of different models to predict solar module temperature, output power and efficiency for Nis, Serbia“, Energy, 109 (2016), pp. 38-48, M21